S63 Scheduled for 7/31: Any tips?

Hi there,

I am scheduled to take S63 on July 31st. I’ve been studying since mid-May and scoring a combination between 80 to 90% on my exams (total count of practice exams taken: 22). For those who took the S63, can someone share insights on their experience taking the exam? I hear there’s a quite a load of question on ethics and such. Let me know your thoughts!

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Hey Guy, it looks like you’re on track! It’s fantastic that you’ve taken so many exams, but be careful of overstudying - be wary of inadvertently recognizing the answer and jumping to it without thoughtfully considering the scenario.

The S63 is a challenging exam since it’s so short. The questions tend to be wordy, complex, and it’s easy to make a mistake answering even if you know the underlying concepts. Go slow and thoughtfully, and check your choices before you submit them!

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Great tip and you’re right. Thanks for the heads up and I’ll take this advice to heart going in to exam day!

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