Passed all SIE/66/7 on first try!

I just wanted to come here to let everyone know I used only Achievable on all 3 exams and passed all exams on the first try. To clarify I was provided the full STC study materials for the 7 and didn’t like it at all and went back to Achievable.


Amazing news. Congrats! I passed my SIE on the first try an hoping the same with the 7 and 66.


Congrats on the SIE! For me the SIE was the hardest of the three. I have no college or background in finance so it was major learning curve.


Congrats on passing your exams - I’m glad Achievable was the best course for you!

Please reach out if there’s anything we can do to help~

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Hey, I passed the SIE and plan to take the 7 and then either the 66 or 63 (my firm doesn’t require the 65/66 but I thought it may be useful to have in the future).

Did you find the 66 to be difficult compared to the SIE and/or the 7? Especially the suitability & retirement portions, which (I think) are not covered on the 63.

And congrats on passing all on your first try!


I found the 66 to be easier than the 7 although some find it to be harder. I think it depends on how each individual absorbs and retains information. The 66 was very wordy but it felt like the questions were more straight forward compared to the 7 I felt like I had to re-read the question a couple of times to truly understand what they were asking.


Good to know.

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