I passed the Series 63!
Question: On LinkedIn, I like to put my licenses and certifications. Is the issuing organization NASAA or FINRA?
Congrats on passing your S63! The S63 is a NASAA exam administered by FINRA, so it’s kind of both. I don’t think it matters which you put, but I would probably write in FINRA since I think that’s what people are more likely to search.
Thank you very much!
Got it, thanks!
And big thank you to Achievable.
I used this platform for the SIE, Series 6, and Series 63.
Christian I am preparing for this license and I work a full time job but trying my best to balance both these things how long did you study for it and what do you think about the question with the achievable question ? And what advice would you give ?
Thank you
Congrats on passing the exam Christian!
Just completed the 63 too, and am going a bit in reverse and will be taking the SIE exam next. Did you feel that Achievable’s practice questions were similar to the actual SIE exam? Did you have any difficulty understanding the questions, and were there any topics that came up often? I’d really appreciate any insights as I prepare!
Hello Rogahn! Just took the Series 63 last Friday, and wanted to provide some insight on your comment.
To prepare, I studied for 69hrs over the course of 4 weeks, took 9 practice exams, and ensured I scored 85% or higher consistently for all practice tests and mock exams. Also, I found that keeping up with the review questions, and having above 80% in each chapter ensures that you have a solid understanding of the concepts. Lastly, I reread the textbook the week before my exam, which helped me tremendously and made everything click. I don’t think I would have passed without doing this.
The questions on achievable are very reflective of the actual exam. Really take the time to understand each right and wrong answer on achievable when test taking, and you’ll be more than prepared. If you’d like further details, I can explain the format of the Series 63 (in my case) more in depth while it is fresh in my mind.
Overall, I agree with other achievable comments that the exam is mostly memorization. I personally take a long time to study, but it seems most people only need 50hrs of study time with no prior knowledge, 30hrs if you have the experience.
Hope this helps you as you prepare to study!
My job pays me to study. That’s all I do; I study throughout the eight-hour shift. I failed it the first time (nine days to study), so I had 30 days to study for the 63 second attempt. I used two platforms: Achievable and Knopman. On Achievable, I took one practice exam a day, and I always allowed the feedback option on. Every time I got it wrong, it told me why. Honestly, I don’t know how it compares. In the moment, I’m going through each question, quickly but reading the questions and answers from start to finish since the timer is going. I’m focused but even negative thoughts popped into my head, but I kept pushing. But I know that taking practice questions everyday helped because I passed.
Also, I memorized the Series 63 dump sheet. That helped too.
I realized I addressed my previous comment to you (Christian) instead of Rogahn regarding the Series 63. Apologies for the confusion.
Was your approach to studying for the 63 similar to the SIE exam, Christian? I have to take the SIE exam next, and am curious about the similarity for Achievable questions to the actual SIE exam. Could you provide insight on this?
No worries
Since the SIE was my first FINRA exam, I tried everything. I used two platforms: Knopman and Achievable, I attended live sessions, I watched videos on YouTube, I memorized the SIE dump sheet, and took practice exams everyday. In the moment, I couldn’t tell if the questions were similar. I’m just going one question at a time. But with all these habits, it helped me pass.
That’s great!! Congratulations!!
I also passed series 63 today October 20, 2024 from the first time. Achievable is a great course if you do whatever is recommended to pass the exam.
Congratulations on passing your S63, @Greg_Huel!
I passed the S63 exam on Saturday and Achievable has been wonderful! First attempt with almost 4 days of prep. However I am already in the retirement industry so it was easier. 2-4 weeks should be good.
Achievable is a life saver. Esp the cheat sheet for last minute revisions. A huge focus of the exam was on Regulation of BD/Agents and Ethical Practises & Obligations imo.
Helpful to make mnemonics out of exempt transactions and securities to learn them as is. Solving Achievable/Kaplan questions per units will help you understand how to apply these exemptions and exclusions.
Need to read your textbook once and utilising Achievable material for revision was good. Timing yourself was the most important. I finished the test with just 5 mins left for my review questions. 75 mins pass by quick!
Congrats on passing your S63 - it’s a tricky exam!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts~
Do you have any mnemonics that would help?