Definition of persons and non-persons

In lesson 5.2.1, “Persons”, the following sentence appears in the last paragraph.

The legal definition of a person should match the list of non-persons.

This sentence leaves me perplexed. Will you please explain it? Thanks.


Thanks for pointing this out, @Emilio_Rogahn. This line is definitely confusing, so I just removed it. Here’s what that paragraph reads as now:

The most common reason for non-person status is the inability to enter into legally binding contracts. While minors can technically enter into contracts, they are considered generally unenforceable, plus the minor can void the contract at any time. Incapacitation, which occurs when someone is unable to manage their own affairs or well-being, also results in an inability to enter binding contracts. The most common reasons for incapacitation are dementia, mental illness, and a sustained lack of consciousness (e.g. in a coma). Last, dead people obviously cannot enter into contracts.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Happy to know my brain is alright! :smile:

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