Upcoming Workload

Can someone explain to me how the upcoming workload works exactly? How have others made the most use of Achievable to pass their series 7? I failed last week with a 68% and I was using Training Consultants which is why I am here now. I could not listen to Tina for another month I would have lost my mind.


Hi @Tyler1, welcome, and thanks for using Achievable!

These forums are quiet, but we have quite a few folks using us for each of the tests, and our Series 7, in particular, is rapidly growing in popularity.

I’m sorry to hear that you just missed the cutoff on your first take. I’m sure you’ll be able to pass with a bit more practice. Since you’re so close and have a solid foundation, the best approach for you might be to start with a few full practice exams to identify any weak topics and then to read those chapters and focus on the review quizzes for those specifically.

The upcoming workload chart is there to give you a rough sense of when additional quizzes will be available for the material you’ve reviewed. You don’t need to follow it exactly - it’s just meant to be an estimate to help you plan your studying.

We’ve written a full description of how Achievable works that you can take a look at.

If you have any other questions or feedback, please let us know!

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