Studying Using Only Practice Exam Questions

Good day all. I took another 65 course but wasn’t confident in the results so I decided to try out Achievable. If I only wanted to utilize the ‘practice exam questions by chapter’ section, will I be limited in any way to the number of questions presented in the practice exams, due to not going through the entire course? I mainly want to make sure that questions aren’t unlocked upon the completion of each chapter and sub-section? Hope this question made sense. Appreciate the help in advance. Cheers!


Hi Jim, we have two question banks: review quizzes linked to each textbook page and standalone exam questions.

The review quizzes start out locked and are unlocked as you complete each page, but we can unlock them all for you at once if you’d like.

The exam questions are always unlocked and can be taken anytime, but we do recommend that you go through the course first.

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Thanks Justin. Yes, please unlock everything for me within my 65 course. If needed, I will review section I need clarity. Appreciate the help!

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You’ve got it - the unlock is under way and should be finished within a few minutes!

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