Study schedule questions!


I am currently studying for the SIE and my study schedule shows me taking practice exams for the 2.5 weeks leading up to the exam itself. It also shows me not studying/reviewing in two four day chunks during that 2.5 weeks. Is this how it’s supposed to be set up?


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Hi @Nater_Potater, welcome!

I took a look at your study schedule and it looks ok. Basically, you’re at the end of the course and so there’s only so much material to assign to you. Taking 20+ practice exams is unnecessary, and it’s good to give your mind a break to synthesize the information you’ve studied, which is why it has these gaps.

If you’re happy with this schedule, you can leave it the way it is. If you’d like it to be a little more evenly distributed and reallocate the bit of overdue content, you can just reset it by going to change the exam date, and then selecting the same date as you have currently set. The result will be pretty similar but it will smooth it out a bit since there is a smaller timeframe and we can be more tight with our estimates.

You rock. Thank you!

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