Skip Chapters - Series 7

I wish there was a way that we could skip chapters, master the easier sections and return to the harder ones later. Options are so difficult and take so much time.

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Hi @Thelma_Mueller, thanks for reaching out! Options often are the hardest topic for most people, but they are very important and heavily weighted. Some people say they see 50+ questions on them!

The good news is that once you’ve mastered the concepts, these questions start to become very easy. Unlike some of the other questions, there is very little room for interpretation or confusion in the wording, so you’ll start to be happy to see them.

As for skipping the chapters and returning to them - you can certainly do that! Our study planner doesn’t have the ability to exclude chapters at this time, although we plan to add this feature. But you can just skip ahead anyway, and once you’re ready to continue the original path, just recreate your study plan with the same date and it will reallocate the remaining content.