Sie exam at 68%

Hi everyone! Hope everyone had a good new years.

First attempt at the SIE and got a 68% Mostly frustrated because I thought I did pretty well, but obviously not ^^; It was also frustrating due to the verbiage they used on the test. There were some words that I just did not understand and even based off of context.

I think my exam was based mostly off concepts. I had only 1 math calculation on the entire exam and they only asked about options once.

I’ll keep grinding, so best of luck to everyone who is studying and taking the exam in January! Otherwise I’d love additional tips for taking this exam so I can pass my second attempt!


It’s all ok, relax and don’t give up. Good luck with your next attempt.

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Exactly, just keep at it! You’re very close, so it’s likely most effective to focus on practice exams. When you take them, ensure you’re reading and solving each question thoroughly, not taking any shortcuts to get to the answer. And then when you’re finished, take a brief break, and then carefully review every question you’ve missed or guessed on.

Do you remember any words you didn’t understand from the exam? We review FINRA’s content outline frequently and we’re confident we cover everything, but I’m happy to double-check any specific topics and point you in the right direction!

Happy new year! That’s the plan! I took a break to give my brain a rest before I go back in for the study grind.

I actually don’t, I’m sorry!

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