Series 7 Practice Exams

Hi - I’m wondering how close the Achievable Series 7 practice exams are to the real exam. I’ve taken 4 so far, and tracking at 80, 74, 79, and 85. I plan on taking about 3-4 more prior to my scheduled exam on Friday. Is this a good trajectory, or should I really be higher than this in order to have a realistic expectation of passing? Thanks.


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Hi Terry (@Lonely_lime_elephant), it feels like you’re on track.

Our data shows a very close correlation between our practice exam scores and real exam scores, so if you’re consistently passing your practice exams, it’s very likely you’ll pass your real exam. Test day is naturally stressful and you might get an unlucky randomized exam, so we recommend people consistently score in the mid-80s to feel well-prepared.

I looked at your account and noticed that you have weak areas in Options, and Rules and Ethics. I also saw there’s a lot of content you didn’t read for these chapters… you should! These are heavily tested topics and spending some additional time on them should help improve your scores.

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Thanks Justin. Yes, the Rules and Ethics sections give me the most trouble… I’m better at answering concept-based questions than I am at memorization. I’ll double down on the those sections.

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You might also wanna pay close attention to the readiness percentage on your dashboard. Justin has mentioned in other threads that pass rates are closely tied to this number as well.

I can’t speak to the 7 yet but I just passed my 65 and I’ve heard its comparable in difficulty. I was really glad that I had gone through the review questions that were generated for me. You probably already know this but Achievable is a tech company with AI driven technology that custom produces these questions based on what it detects as your weaknesses while you prepare through the program. Take advantage of what they specialize in.

Your scores are great though! I’d rather have a few more practice exams under my belt personally but maybe I’m just teetering along too slowly and you can blow by me to Warren Buffet status without studying more than you need. Either way, go kill it LL Elephant! :sunglasses:

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So I ended up passing (first attempt) this morning. Can’t say enough about Achievable, which helped me pass the SIE quickly as well. Thank you!


Congrats! That’s awesome. It sure feels good not having to go back and study. That’s why I spent a little extra time making sure I was ready but it sounds like you didn’t need it. I went a little out of order but I used Achievable for my SIE as well. I’m two for two passing exams on the first try. Time to celebrate (and/or maybe start working on the next exam if you aren’t done yet)!


Great job! Took mine a few days ago and missed by 2 points got a 70. One and done would have been awesome.