Series 7 - Passed yesterday

I thought I was really ready for the exam - got 80 t0 90 percent on the practice exams, memorized my dump sheet, etc. Ha! It was so much harder than I envisioned. Whereas I always had 60 to 90 mins of time left on the practice exams, I had 9 mins at the end to go back to the flagged items, and I didn’t take any breaks. The questions were so convoluted. I was actually surprised I passed, but I’m sure glad i did. My advice is to be very aware of time.


Congrats on passing your Series 7!

Great advice on being aware of the time - the stress of exam day and needing to be careful about the question wording usually does stretch it all the way to the end.

Please reach out if there’s anything we can do for you in the future!


Thank you for your response. I’ll be starting the 63 in a few days. I’m very thankful for Achievable. Any chance you’ll be adding the 79? I’m so spoiled.


We plan to create a course for the S79 someday, but it isn’t on our short-term roadmap! I’d recommend you check our STC or Knopman for the 79~

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I had the same experience time wise and failed; but I’m applying for additional time with FINRA for my second attempt.

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I wish you the best. I’m working on the 79 now. The 7 was more fun.


It sounds like you’d recommend someone who might qualify for extra time to take advantage of that


Yes. Those of us taking these tests are probably methodical by nature, then you add the stress and the surprise at seeing things that are unfamiliar, and it can be a real challenge. For me, I ran into several at the beginning that were unfamiliar and I didn’t feel prepared right off the bat. That made my stress spike and slowed down my thinking. I would recommend if you encounter that, flag it to go back. I spent way too much time trying to figure out questions I was unsure of and that caused the time crunch and additional stress. That saved me on the 63. The other thing, you probably know enough to pass it if you just to through and hit the ones you are sure of. Then circle back the flags. Also, the question might seem unfamiliar, but your knowledge and logic will often figure out the right response if you aren’t panicked over the time. You can do it!!!


how is Serious 6 compare Serious 7? more much more time are we talking about? I am plan on taking 6,63&65 or 7&66, and advise would be appreciated! thanks in advance!

Hi @Colleen_Gulgowski, it would be best to check with your firm and compliance professional, as the licenses allow you to do different things, and which exam(s) you need to take usually matches your job functions.

I’m happy to share some general thoughts:

  • The S6 is basically a shorter version of the S7, about half the study time
  • The S63 is very short but often challenging, since it has a lot of memorization and difficult wording
  • The S65/S66 are both very long, but the S66 typically takes about 3/4 of the study time, and it basically includes the content of the S63 to balance the content

Regardless of the exams you take, be sure to get your SIE first - it will be required for any of these paths!

Obviously, it goes without saying that the S7 allows you to do a whole lot more than the S6.

I felt the same way when I passed my 7