Quizzes, Exams and Filters

I’m wondering is there an easy way to create exams based on questions you’ve missed? Or will does algorithm create quizzes based on the areas need to target?

Perhaps my question is actually how best to utilize the quizzes to strengthen your weak areas.



Great question. By default, the system does actually prioritize questions you missed, haven’t seen yet or haven’t seen recently. By default, it will do its best to automatically feed you the most relevant content.

You might (or might not) have a few other options available on your Practice exams page. If you have a Troublesome questions block, definitely review those. You also have the ability to take a quiz on the questions you’ve manually flagged. Lastly, taking the “Focus” version of past exams will give you a mini exam including only the questions you’ve missed or flagged.

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As always, Thank you!!!