Question about the chapter quiz

if we dont do a good job. Do we retake it or just move forward? Thank you for your help

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Hi @FrankElizondo - I answered this question in another thread. If anyone else is seeing this, here was my answer:

I would review the answers thoroughly and be sure you understand “the why” behind the concept tested. After, I recommend you continue pushing through the material. Be sure to do your assigned reviews periodically (look for the ‘Reviews’ button when you first log in). Our smart learning system will continually filter these questions back at you through this function. This is the best way to stay fresh on material you’ve passed through.

Now, if you want to take another practice quiz, there’s nothing wrong with that. Go for it! But, if you’re looking to efficiently make your way through the material, I wouldn’t worry about retaking quizzes unless you score very low (below 60) on a very important section.

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just wanted to confirm Brandon - is it under Memory Progress (on mine it says 20 Ready)?

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