Progress for textbook lost?

Sections 1 & 2 of the exam were reset and now my dashboard has the first section of the material as the quick link when it should be where my progress actually was (section 2.2.8).

This is extremely inconvenient, can it be fixed? Why did it happen to begin with?

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Hi @abusyhippie, Achievable is a living course - we make hundreds of updates every month. If a section is marked as incomplete and you feel you already know the material, all you need to do is take the quiz at the end and your progress will be updated!

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But why did it get marked as incomplete when I already took the quiz?

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Hi @abusyhippie, it’s because you didn’t take the quiz yet for this specific chapter. You might have seen some of the content already in another chapter, but we’ve reorganized part of it for clarity, and you didn’t see the updated version yet.

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