PDF Version/ 3rd Attempt at the SIE

Hello everyone!

The day before yesterday I failed my SIE for the second time getting the same score a 62%. I haven’t been able to fully use Achievable like I wanted because of my firm making us use their material. Well I was only given 30 days to find employment somewhere else but I’m still going after the SIE myself and not giving up. I know I can do it. Could I get it in the PDF version please?


Hi @Dorothy_Metz - I’m so sorry to hear that, but hopefully we can get you to pass on your next take!

I’ve just emailed you the PDF - please check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.

It might help to figure which topics that you didn’t score well on and customize the Achievable quizzes to focus on those chapters/topics.
Good luck - you got this!


Thank you Justin! Yes I am hopeful for a pass the next go round.

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Thank you @Mass_coffee_louse! Will be doing that as well!