Pausing Practice test time


Is there any way to pause the practice test timer when I exit the test.
I am aware that the system allows you to finish the test even after the timer is up but once you finish (after exiting for some time and coming back) it really doesn’t give you a good summary of how long you actually took and what questions you actually took the longest, not just the questioned you exited the test on.
I know its best practice to take the test when you have 2 hours of un-interrupted time, however that becomes hard when the only time you have is during lunch breaks and between time spent with the kids to take test.
just wondering if there is an option to pause the time, or if this can become an option?



Hi @Joy_Jacobi, welcome, and thanks for your feedback!

The primary goal of the practice exams is to prepare you for the real exam, and training the mental focus required to sit through 2+ hours of questions is definitely part of that. We don’t currently have a way to pause the exams midway through, but I completely understand that it can be difficult to find the time. I think this is a good suggestion, and I’ve added it to our product roadmap!

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