Passed the SIE, thank you Justin!

Thank you so much for this platform! This was instrumental in me taking the exam. Honestly I didn’t have any options questions or very many bond questions, it was heavily on the dos and don’ts, but I know everyone’s experience would be different.

I do have a finance degree and I studied until I got flat 80s on my practice exams consistently. I highly recommend that you attempt some practice exams outside of Achievable, although, I only took the practice exams like 10 times officially (2 times I didn’t complete just because I stopped in the middle of something), and I read somewhere that there is enough questions in the bank to make over 25 unique practice exams.

Every time I took a practice exam, I wrote down the number of the question that I wanted to review, after I finished it, and wrote down topics that were fuzzy to me when presented with the practice exam. I made sure to not make the answer instantly tell me if I passed or not, because the real exam is like that.

I also made sure that when I initially took the course, I wrote everything on flash cards. I didn’t really use the flash cards, but writing helps you remember topics better than typing them out.

Finally, use the filter option by the past week to see your stats on the exams breakdown, and study the ones you’re doing bad on.

The exam isn’t too bad, good luck and thank you! Will be moving forward for the Series 63/66/7 from Achievable as well. Any tips is greatly appreciated! I do plan on taking the 7 last because I want to stay at my current job for personal reasons for a few more months.


Congratulations on passing your SIE, and thanks for sharing your experience!

Taking the S7 after the SIE is a natural progression; the S7 primarily covers the same topics as the SIE, just in more detail. It’s no problem if you’d like to go in a different order though! In that case, I’d recommend doing the S63 → S66 → S7.

Please reach out anytime - we’ll help you pass those too!

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I do have one question, what exams do you recommend taking? Basically, I want to get out of my job in about 6-7 months, and in the mean time I’d like to take the exams, I don’t want to leave earlier for personal reasons for now.

I want to go down the path of financial advising and I heard possibly getting my CFP is also ideal. Are the 63/66/7 all that’s needed? Do you have any other recommendations that would make myself a stronger candidate for this type of position?

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One more thing, I read online it’s possible to just get away with 66 only, and no need to do 63(with 65).

I was thinking to just do the 66 then 7 last. And possibly save CFP when I’m hired somewhere.

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You should check with a compliance professional, since every situation is different and might require a different license.

As friendly advice only, if you want to get into financial advising, you will probably want either the S63+S65, or the S7+S66.

The S7 is a corequisite for the S66 and requires sponsorship; you can study for it now, but you won’t be able to take it. But you should still be able to take the S66 if you want, or the others.

Studying for or passing any of these exams is likely to help you stand out as a stronger candidate!

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