Passed Series 7 today, first attempt

What a relief! That test was a BEAR. I felt really good going in but they sure do like their funky wording on test questions. I’m just glad that is over.


Great Job! You did it!!! Congratulations!!!


Congrats on passing your S7 :smile: I’m so happy for you!


Congrats! Any advice/insight you can provide about the test?


Yes, for sure.

“Inch by inch, your test is a cinch. Yard by yard, you’re making it hard.” -Dean Tinney (Series 7 GURU). I think this is critical. There is SO much information to understand that trying to cram it all in a few days or a couple of weeks makes this really difficult. Also, taking shortcuts and trying to concentrate mainly on practice tests will make it difficult. IMO, you should read each and every section of the textbook, take the quizzes and re-take the quizzes if you don’t score well on them. Take all the practice tests and something I could have done better is utilizing the “review” questions as you go along. The test writers do a good job of making sure you actually understand the material.

As far as the test itself, I read the questions multiple times. Sometimes, I read the last sentence first, so I can understand what the actual question is. Sometimes I may read the last sentence and the answer set before I even read the question. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE ASKING! They are also good about distracting information in the questions. Block out the info you don’t need to answer the question.

Last but definitely not least, supplement the Achievable material with YouTube content. There is a gentleman named Dean Tinney on YT (Series 7 Guru). He has multiple video playlists for the Series 7. Tons of great info in there.

I really think the key is giving yourself enough time to prepare correctly. There are no shortcuts. I didn’t have a ton of math questions but something they did throw at me was the actual formulas in written form! Not doing the math but understanding what the formula is! Regarding judgement questions, READ the question multiple times. The options questions were pretty cut and dry. I found myself using process of elimination A LOT. I knew what wasn’t the correct answer, so this one must be correct.

Hope some of this helps!


Very informative. Thank you! Congrats again!


Good for you! Congratulations!