Passed Series 7 First Try

I just took my 7 yesterday and passed! I wanted to share that so long as you read each question carefully and don’t rush, the Achievable material has everything you need to be prepared. My exam readiness was at 96% and I was scoring between 80-86 on the practice exams.

I admit that at the eleventh hour I panicked and bought the Kaplan mastery exam because I was worried that I was too comfortable with the Achievable material. THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE! It did nothing but shake my confidence. I found Kaplan to be confusing, unnecessarily complicated, and quizzing me on content that was not to be found in Achievable - and it wasn’t to be found on the actual test either! Stick with Achievable. I cannot recommend it enough. It has gotten me through my SIE and my 7!


Hi @Freda_Bashirian, congrats on passing your S7, and thanks for sharing your thoughts! I’m glad Achievable was the right fit for you; please reach out anytime if there’s anything else we can do to help~

this is awesome advice, and Congratulations!!

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