I passed my exam today! Thank you Achievable.
My favorite part of the achievable was, the reading materials and the mini quizzes for each sections
For the first exam that I failed - I was only reading Kaplan printed textbook Manual for 2 months and barely studied.
For the second attempt - Then I decided to look out for courses or websites that can assist with my studying. I heard that achievable was good so I went with achievable and I had to study daily within a month.
During this time, I also have access to Training Consultants from my coworkers’ account. however I didn’t like the quiz formats. The quiz formats didn’t have instant feedbacks. Also I don’t like how I have to scroll so much on the digital textbook whereas achievable break down by chapters and sections so easy to read so I rarely used the training consultants.
Congratulations on passing your SIE!
Sounds like you tried a variety of different vendors and study materials, but Achievable’s method was able to tie everything together and bring you across the finish line. Great job staying committed, despite the first attempt. You are an inspiration for someone like me who is taking it for the first time in a couple weeks.
Congratulations @Cecil_O_Hara! We are so happy to hear that you passed your SIE and that we played a role in your success . Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. Thank you, -Brenden
Congrats on passing!! I know that must feel great! I’m here using Achievable in a similar circumstance as you, I used Kaplan my first time around and didn’t pass. Their material just never clicked with me, no matter how hard I tried. But I’m trying out Achievable for my second attempt to study, and already feel way more confident cause I actually understand the material and the videos are way more engaging. Your passing story actually gives me hope! Again, congrats! Go celebrate, you deserve it!