Metrics for the Memory Progress

What are the metrics that measure the strength of the Memory progress? I got 69% on an end of section quiz but it says my strength is 72%

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Hi @Provincial_amethyst, good question!

As you noticed, your memory strength progress won’t match the results for any specific quiz. Instead, it measures your long-term mastery of those concepts, which can only be demonstrated by taking multiple review quizzes over a period of time. Your memory progress will increase with correct responses, and will decrease with incorrect responses - but no need to worry in the case of a decrease, as making some mistakes is a completely normal part of the learning experience.

The chart is an indicator of your overall progress through the review quizzes, but no need to worry about getting all sections to 100%! As long as your scores are generally trending up, you’re in a good place :slight_smile:

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Would those include any of the Practice exams?

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In most cases, no, they are separate. We track memory progress on a per-question basis, and for most of our courses, the review quizzes and practice exams draw from different question banks.

The review quizzes are meant to help you build your foundational knowledge, whereas the practice exams are focused on helping you integrate and apply that knowledge to prepare for the real exam.

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So do I just hit the review button above the memory section, which will integrate all questions I have taken so far, and adjust my scores accordingly?

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Yep, exactly! And if you’d like to filter the review session to certain topics only, you can click on the icon of control sliders in the top right of the quiz start screen.

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can you describe what repeat drill mode means and what happens if I click both repeat drill mode and randomize mode

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The default settings for review will show you quizzes based on your personalized mastery of the concepts. It will prioritize items where your memory strength is weaker or decaying, and items that you’ve you’re doing well on or have seen recently will be shown later. Each question is shown only one time in a session, since reviewing the same concepts back-to-back won’t be that effective.

Selecting the randomize option will ignore the personalization and will instead give you a random selection of questions.

Selecting the drill option allows you to see questions multiple times in a session, as it will add repeated questions up to the maximum session size. This is helpful if you’ve set a filter and want to focus on a specific concept. It’s often used with our math-based questions since you’ll be able to see the same question template repeatedly but with randomized variables each time. Drill mode is the most useful when you want to practice applying a particular technique.

Selecting both options just combines the two modes!


Thank you! A few more what are troublesome questions? What is the process of them being pulled out from my practice exams?

Second, this phrase popped up underneath my exam readiness: “Build a buffer against exam stress and unlucky questions!”

What does that mean?

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Troublesome questions are ones that you’ve gotten wrong repeatedly. Making some mistakes is part of the learning progress, but if you’re getting the same questions wrong multiple times, it’s an indication that you need to be more thoughtful when reviewing your practice exams. Taking practice exams will help fill in any weak spots, and you should see consistent score increases of a few points.

Our data shows that our practice exam scores do map closely to the real exam, but although the passing scores for FINRA/NASAA exams are in the low 70s, we recommend continuing to take practice exams until you’re consistently scoring in the mid-80s or higher. Exam day is naturally stressful and you won’t be performing at your best, so it’s helpful to have a bit of a buffer to mitigate this.

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If I hit review questions, will the quizzes target my weakest subjects first? or is it completely random?

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By default, your review quiz session will be personalized based on your study history, but you can randomize it by checking the box:

The default settings for review will show you quizzes based on your personalized mastery of the concepts. It will prioritize items where your memory strength is weaker or decaying, and items that you’ve you’re doing well on or have seen recently will be shown later.

Selecting the randomize option will ignore the personalization and will instead give you a random selection of questions.

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Thank you good sir!!!

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