Is there a way to go through the Material without activating the Algorithm

I do not actually want to start using your process for studying just yet because I will have some more time in a couple of months. I would like to maximize the use of the algorithm, but not until I am ready to spend a consistent amount of time studying for the exam. In the mean time, I would rather be able to just read through the text and possibly take a couple of quizzes just to get a head start and a personal base line of where I am. Is there a way I can go through the material without being tracked just yet? If not, is there some pdf’s of the text book, quizzes, and test questions you can send me, so I can work on it outside of your system until I am ready to work your program as designed? thanks

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Hi @Crucial_silver_boa, welcome, and thanks for reaching out!

In short, you can study however you’d like. Everyone studies differently, and there is way more variation in study habits than you’d think. Our learning engine algorithms are smart enough to handle different study patterns and changes in study patterns. You don’t need to adjust your studying to fit our system - it will adapt to you.

Also, I’ve emailed you the PDF of the reading material if you’d prefer to study that way.