Impact of COVID-19 on testing, exam prep

Achievable is a self-study program, and our team here at Achievable has always been fully remote, so we fortunately haven’t been impacted much.

I’ve heard that a lot of tutors have moved to entirely remote video lessons, which can leave a bit out of the experience but can also make it more convenient.

Some of our users have mentioned that FINRA test centers have been closing, so you might want to consider that possibility when scheduling your exams.

For the GRE, ETS has started offering limited testing at home (still proctored, of course) - Taking the GRE General Test at Home

Anyone want to share your experience?

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Out here in Las Vegas, they have an in-person exam site the past few months. One must wear a mask the entire time of the exam, which can add-up to nearly four hours for the 7. If you wear eyeglasses, which a mask can fog up, have some techniques (masks with metal frames around the nose section to help shape it, or other techniques, some of which don’t work in reality for many, alas) to not let it derail your A-game.
I experienced one fellow test taker who (perhaps without realizing its impact) whispered aloud each question… although you are often given earplugs and headphones to try drowning out sound, it doesn’t always work 100% – in my case, I asked a test proctor to politely ask the person to refrain from said whispering aloud.

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Thanks for sharing!

I wear glasses and have definitely struggled with them fogging up - I can imagine it would be really distracting when taking your exam.

I also have that bad habit of whisper reading :grimacing: Good that you asked the proctor to address it!

We’ve heard a few stories of folks having significant issues with remote testing. Be sure to test your mic and camera several days before the exam as well as on the day itself! It’s stressful enough taking the test, and the last thing you want to worry about is technical problems.

FINRA now allows testing from home for the SIE and Series 7 exams. We’ve detailed this in the “wrapping up” section (last section) of both programs. Here are the direct links:

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