Hi SIE reset please

Hi could I get my SIE reset ? Also any advice on finding motivation to study ?


Hi @Erika, sure, I’ve just reset your SIE.

When studying, I find it helpful to get into a fixed schedule as much as possible, to build a habit, and ensure I have time. For instance, I’ll set aside an hour every morning from 9am - 10am where I promise myself I won’t check email or do anything else, just study.

It can also be helpful to focus a bit on the goal - why are you studying to pass this exam, and what will it lead to?

If you have a friend or colleague who is studying for the exam too, being each others’ study partner might help you get through it. You’ll keep each other accountable, and helping to explain topics to each other will also help you build a more thorough understanding of the material.


I also find it hard to get myself motivated to study but one thing that helps me get through the materials is the web app. If I have a few free minutes it’s easy to just take out my phone and knock out a quick section and/or quiz. It doesn’t seem like a lot but it adds up and helps me retain the material even if I don’t do a full “study session” for a few days.
@Justin are there instructions on how to add the web app for different browsers?


Great point @Mass_coffee_louse - studying on your phone makes it much more approachable. Spending 5 minutes here and there studying throughout the day, during your commute, while eating, on coffee breaks, etc., really adds up to a lot of extra study time.

We have instructions on how to use Achievable on your phone on our Study on the go page!


A lot of good suggestions have been given. You have to find what works best for you and also when that works best for you. If that means getting up an hour early if you study best then or maybe late in the evening when everything has calmed down from the day’s activities. Find out when you are most receptive to studying. No matter where or when, I would suggest that you always keep the goal in mind when you are studying or being tempted to not study. Another tool that has helped me tremendously is using the Read Aloud function in Microsoft Edge. I am 56 years old and I was concerned about not having the ability to stay focused while studying. Using this while physically looking at the web page has helped me stay on tract. Sometimes my mind still wonders and I have to go back a little ways and re-read a section but with the Read Aloud function, it is like I am being taught the material rather than just trying to consume large amounts data. Hope this helps you and wish you the best on your studying.


Thank you I have been struggling with staying consistent I appreciate the feedback !


These are great points as well thank you ! I am struggling with time management. My firm has us study on our own time which makes it a bit challenging to stay on track also with a 4yr old who has been bringing all these colds home I have unfortunately gotten sick. Hopefully I am able to manage things better thank you all for your help !


@Erika hopefully you can give yourself some grace and be able to set your schedule to a management time-table. Hopefully your employer is not putting undue pressure on you to get done in some sort of unrealistic timeframe. I applaud your effort and hope that everything will settle down for you so you can find a schedule that works with your busy life. Blessings to you as you continue on this journey.

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Thank you ! its not easy but will be so worth it in the end. Time management hasn’t been my strong suit.


@Erika another thing I have found myself doing is reading the explanations for the quiz and review questions even if I get the right answer, especially during the quizzes at the end of each chapter. You cannot use the Read Aloud function for this but I feel that sometimes I am not 100% confident even though I may get the right answer and want to make sure I am actually learning and not memorizing material.

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Hi Justin,
May I please have my SIE reset also?

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Sure thing @Benjamin_Gottlieb - I’ve just reset your course. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help with!

Hi Justin, are you able to reset my SIE as well? Thank you in advance!

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Hi @Ronnie_Jacobs, I’ve just reset your account too!