Grading the Essay

This was my first ever timed attempt for the GRE essay from another site that did not offer any grading. I had Chat GPT offer a grade which stated 3.5. Curious to hear some feedback as there were zero changes to the essay below (typos, grammatical errors, etc.).

Prompt: People who make decisions based on emotion and justify those decisions with logic afterwards are poor decision makers.

Making decisions can be challenging depending on the complexity, timing, and environment of the decision at stake. Emotional reactions can impact the decision making process on a case-to-case basis. Each decision that is made will be reliant upon the individual and their experiences, feelings, and risks associated with the decision to be made. Logic is formed through those experiences working through the decision until complete leading to enhanced decision making skills over time. Making decisions based on emotion initiates problematic circumstances increasing the probability of a failed execution on the decision.

Emotion and logic can become intertwined, and the ability to separate the two requires a form of natural capabilities coupled with experiences in making decisions. Specific environments, causes, or the level of risk at hand can ignite an emotional reaction without thought resulting in a poor decision. Logic allows an individual to consider each avenue and their respected outcomes when making a decision. Having the ability to form your thoughts and take necessary action typically results in postive decisions.

There are many circumstances where emotions can run high making the decision more challenging to execute on. Emotions stimulate many parts of the physiological nature of the human body which can create a negative environment to generate a positive outcome. There are many situations where a decision must be made based on time, and depending on the risk of the decision, emotions can flare. Removing these emotions, is not an easy task, but a necessary one to get the results one would desire.

Logic is formed through a series of life experiences, knowledge of the situation, and understanding what is at stake. These decisions made based on logic allow the individual making the decision compare and contrast each outcome. Logic will not always result in the best decision, however, without emotion tied to the decision, logic can create an open mind without the interference of emotions.

Making decisions based on emotion and later justifying the decision with logic will result in less positive outcomes for the decision. Decision making requires thorough consideration, and when time is not present, logic still applies in the decision making process. There are plenty of circumstances where we cannot always use logic to determine a positive outcome of a situation. Emotions are not easily avoidable and it can lead to poor decisions, however, it is important to always attempt to use logic to avoid irrational decision making.


Hi, this looks like a good first attempt! The score of 3.5 feels accurate.

Here’s some feedback to improve your score:

  • Write much more! Your essay is only around 400 words; try to write at least twice as much.
  • Structure your introduction and conclusion. State your overall position on the prompt in your first sentence, write a sentence summarizing each of your 3 main body points, and then finish with a sentence to sum it up and transition to the next paragraph.
  • Use transitional statements to make your essay flow more naturally.

Your writing is good overall - if you can write more at this quality in the same time period, and improve your structure, you’ll be able to easily score higher.


After looking at others I quickly realized how short I typed my essay ha! Thank you for the feedback!