Failed SIE Twice

Hello I took my SIE EXAM twice and failed. First time I scored a 69% second time a 66% all using the AD Banker platform. I have one more shot at this and it makes me nervous. Any advice on how to go about everything?

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Hi @Extraordinary_gold_b, welcome! Unfortunately, this is something we hear frequently, but at least you can know you’re not alone… a lot of our users came from other programs and then found Achievable much easier to understand.

Since you’re on your third take, it would be best to approach this one with full force since you want to avoid the extended lock-out period. I’d suggest going through our entire course from start to finish.

I see you’ve already set a study plan and have been doing the review quizzes - that’s perfect. Prioritize reading the scheduled chapters each day and taking their associated quizzes. If you have extra time that day to study, then head to your dashboard and try to do as many reviews as possible. The review quiz workload will build over time, and it’s ok if you can’t get to them all - but they are a very helpful way to reinforce the material you’ve already studied. Once you’ve read through the entire textbook, you can stop doing the review quizzes and switch to full-length practice exams. After each practice exam we’ll show you a summary of your performance with a chapter-by-chapter breakdown, and you can use that to guide your focus. With careful review of everything that you’ve missed or guessed on, you’ll systematically address any weak areas and you’ll see your scores trending up.

If you have any questions on the quizzes, click on the mail icon in the top right to pop open a feedback form and send us a note! Using that form will automatically include details about the question you’re answering so we’ll have the full context to help you out.

Good luck! You are very close to passing already, so that’s great news - but since this is attempt #3 it’s still essential that you study thoroughly.

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