Dump sheet Series 65 and question...a newbie

Hi, sorry to bug but a newbie. Do you have a 65 dump sheet and also. Took 2.1.3. Preferred stock. Got a 60. Should I redo the chapter again or move on for now? Thank you

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Hi @FrankElizondo! Thanks for using Achievable.

Our dump sheets are available in the Wrapping up chapter at the end of your program.

In regard to the chapter quiz, I would review the answers thoroughly and be sure you understand “the why” behind the concept tested. After, I recommend you continue pushing through the material. Be sure to do your assigned reviews periodically (look for the ‘Reviews’ button when you first log in). Our smart learning system will continually filter these questions back at you through this function. This is the best way to stay fresh on material you’ve passed through.

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