Customer support and textbook PDFs

Hi, and welcome to Achievable’s exam preparation forum!

This forum is a great place to discuss course content, study strategies, and anything else related to the exams and your post-exam career/educational journey.

Anyone can sign up and post, although a free Achievable account is required.

For a PDF of the course material

We don’t have physical books for most of our courses since the online platform is a big part of what makes Achievable effective. When people study online, we can track their study behavior and heavily personalize the course, resulting in higher pass rates with less study time.

If you plan to be somewhere without internet access, we’re happy to provide a free PDF of the reading material if you’ve already purchased the online course. If you’re eligible, you can now do this self-serve via the platform. Click on “User account” in the navigation menu, and then click on the “Email textbook PDF” button under the “Course materials” section.

Send me a direct message (DM) for customer support

To keep the discussion in this forum focused on topics relevant to the community, please DM me or another team member for anything related to customer support for your individual account.

Just click on my name “Justin”, then the “Message” button as shown in the image below (but note that the image below is just an image that you can’t click):