Argument essay conclusion

Hi team,

Would you be able to guide on how to write the concluding paragraph for the Argument essay? It would also be useful to see an example for the introduction paragraph. Perhaps a full essay could be posted as a reference.


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Hi Ana, thanks for the suggestion. You can follow the same guidelines for the argument essay conclusion as for how to write a conclusion for the issue essay:

Finally, you’ll want to devote the final three minutes to your conclusion. This is because 90% of any conclusion is having one, as it indicates that you paced yourself properly. It should be a recapitulation of your introduction, and no new arguments or examples should be presented here. If you simply re-write your first paragraph in slightly different language, you’ll be fine.

I spoke with Orion this morning and we’ll add some clarifying text about this.

We have a blog post Learn 7 simple GRE essay tips from these real GRE essay examples that might be helpful to read! We’ll add a link to this post from the textbook as well.