65 mock exams- repeat questions

Hi, I have taken I think about 10 mock final exams and get consistently in the mid 80’s but I notice a lot of the questions are repeated which makes me worried that a good chunk of my scores are from memorized questions. How can I be sure that I’m ready for the exam when a lot of the questions are the same on each quiz??

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Hi, thanks for reaching out. I checked your account and it looks like you took 8 unique exams, and repeated each of the Final exams once. That’s a great start - carefully review every exam, spending a few hours reviewing every question you’ve missed or guessed. The goal of taking the practice exams is to identify weaker areas, so that you can fill in any weaker areas of your knowledge.

Every time you take a “Full” practice exam, our system generates a new semi-random exam that is weighted similarly to the real exam. We have a huge practice exam question bank with over 3,000 questions, and having taken 8 exams, you’ve seen about 1/3 (~1,040) of our questions. Many are similar with subtle differences to test nuances of your understanding. Our system prioritizes questions you haven’t seen yet, so you have plenty more exams (15+!) to take before you’ll see repeats!

I will keep testing thank you! I see about 10 - 15 of the exact same questions every time I take the exams - might be something that you guys should look into is the ability to check a box that says no repeated questions. My test is in 6 days I’ll let you know how I did!

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Our system won’t give you repeat questions until you’ve gone through the entire question bank - they might be very similar to solidify your understanding of a specific topic, but they won’t be the same!

I passed!!! omg what an emotional rollercoaster - thank you to achievable for helping me get there!!


Congrats, I’m so glad to hear that!